Class Crunchlabs Pilot (BETA)

Unit 1: Forces & Motion

Standards: MS-PS2-2
Grades: 6-8

It’s time to put your game face on, because in this 1-2 week-long unit we’re going to explore the concepts of forces and motion through the sports your students love. Along the way, we’ll observe phenomena, ask questions, analyze data, perform hands-on investigations, create model diagrams, take a virtual field trip, do an engineering design challenge, break some eggs and even smash a watermelon or two!

In the end, students will gain an understanding of how to answer this overarching unit question: How can I get better at any ball sport using the science of forces and motion?

Check out all resources below.

Documents to View/Download

A student-facing slides deck with embedded videos and student prompts that encompasses the entire unit. (65 Slides)


A comprehensive guide to implementing the entire unit in the classroom over a 1-2 week period including 5 lessons, teaching strategies, prompts, and other tools designed for NGSS alignment. (42 Pages)


A student resource that complements the entire unit including data sets, worksheets, and assessment exercises. (18 Pages)


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Teacher Videos

Student Videos

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